Woodcraft South

Custom Woodwork

Made in Woodstock, Georgia USA

The world has plenty of run-of-the-mill, factory stamped, imitation products. You will know the difference when you hold it in your hands. We make the real deal with hard work, beautiful design, and quality craftsmanship. Much of what we make is not displayed on our online store, because it’s custom made for clients like you. What can we make for you? Get in touch to start the conversation.

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The Hot Sign is on!

Know what’s awesome? Trees. They’re beautifully designed to support life in every way, making oxygen for our atmosphere and providing shade and shelter. Besides that, they just look cool. Oh! Also… WOOD!!! Trees have a lot to offer, you see? At Woodcraft South we’re committed to planting one tree for every purchase, so future generations can enjoy not just our wood products, but also the awesome, living trees that inspire our work. Join us!

What can we make for you?

Tell me what’s on your mind. Need design work? Custom Build? Reach out and start the conversation, and we’ll take a step toward making something awesome.